splash  Louise Brooks has appeared on the covers of more than a shelf-full of contemporary books, which is notable in that a good number of them are not necessarily about the actress or only reference her. These cover appearances are sometimes merely decorative — as an iconic figure, Brooks’ image was meant to be alluring, or perhaps evoke something about fashion or popular culture. With some covers, Brooks’ image was merely decorative — a pretty face, as is said, can help sell a book or magazine or whatever.

Besides this, there are a few other pages on the LBS website which showcase contemporary book covers featuring Louise Brooks or a Louise Brooks look-alike, including ones for fiction, poetry and drama, general non-fiction, and works of film history. Those pages are:


It is notable in that a good number of the works of fiction shown below are not about Louise Brooks, or only reference her in passing. And sometimes they have nothing to do with Brooks at all. That’s the case with Ingrid Betancourt’s acclaimed debut novel, The Blue Line, which is set against the backdrop of Argentina’s Dirty War. Why a likeness of Brooks was placed on the cover of that 2016 book is not apparent.

With about half of the covers displayed below, Brooks’ image was merely decorative — a pretty face can help sell a book or magazine or whatever. As an iconic figure, Brooks’ image and sometimes only her likeness was enough to evoke the 1920s, the Jazz Age, or Weimer Berlin. That the case with the Mammoth Book of Roaring Twenties Whodunnits, or Volker Kutscher’s celebrated historical thriller, Babylon Berlin (the basis for the hit television series). Sometimes, only the shape of Brooks’ iconic bobbed hair was enough to suggest her – and thus suggest that certain something else.

Brooks is a major or minor character in a few of these books displayed below, such as Willem Frederik Hermans’ Een heilige van de horlogerie or Laura Moriarty’s The Chaperone, the basis for the PBS film. Of course, it is not surprising that Brooks appears on the cover of reissues The Canary Murder Case, Lulu (Pandora’s Box), and The Diary of a Lost Girl — because she starred in movies made from those books. What is surprising, however, is that Brooks has now appeared on five different editions of various works by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Although the actress and the writer once met, it was Colleen Moore who Fitzgerald credited with lighting up the Jazz Age. Today, Brooks’ look has become so iconic her image serves as a kind of visual shorthand for the Jazz Age and all that it might represent.

The books below are displayed in two groups — one for fiction, and one for drama and poetry. Each cover features Brooks’ image, or a likeness clearly meant to represent her. (The one related title not included here which has her name but not her image on the cover is Louise Brooks est morte, a 1993 French novel by Patrick Mosconi. It is more Hans Bellmar than our Lulu.) The titles showcased here are listed in chronological order by date of the edition issued, not when the book may have been first published. Each of the titles shown below were published in a print edition, except for the three marked with an * asterisk which seem to be epubs only.

A 2012 article by Thomas Gladysz on the subject of contemporary book covers featuring Louise Brooks can be found on the Huffington Post, “Louise Brooks – Cover Girl and Secret Muse of the 20th Century.” Notably, Louise Brooks also appeared on number of books published in the past. The LBS website which features a generously illustrated page of vintage Photoplay Editions (movie tie-in books and booklets) as well as a page of a few unrelated Vintage Book Covers, which showcases two works of fiction! Know of other cover appearances? Have a better scan or additional information to share? The LBS would love to hear from you via its CONTACT page.


Gods of Riverworld Een heilige van de horlogerie Bernice Bobs Her Hair Tagebuch einer Verlorenen
Gods of Riverworld
Philip José Farmer
Putnam, 1983
fantasy | USA
Een heilige van de horlogerie
Willem Frederik Hermans
Uitgeverij de Bezige Bij, 1987
fiction | The Netherlands
Bernice Bobs Her Hair
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Penguin, 1990
fiction | UK
Tagebuch einer Verlorenen
by Margarete Böhme
Suhrkamp, 1995
fiction | Germany
Free Love Nevermore Embrassez-moi The Invention of Morel
Free Love
Ali Smith
Virago Press, 1995
fiction | UK
William Hjortsberg
Orion, 1995
fiction | UK
Katherine Pancol
Livre De Poche, 2003
fiction | France
The Invention of Morel
Adolfo Bioy Casares
New York Review Books Classics, 2003
fiction | USA (read more)
Mammoth Book of Roaring Twenties Whodunnits Le Manuscrit Louise B. Embrassez-moi Pancol 2007 edition
Roaring Twenties Whodunnits
Mike Ashley
Carroll & Graf, 2004
anthology | USA
Le Manuscrit Louise B.
Matthieu Baumier
Les Belles Lettres, 2005
fiction | France
Katherine Pancol
Livre De Poche, 2005
fiction | France
Katherine Pancol
Livre De Poche, 2007
fiction | France
Katherine Pancol Istantanee Flappers and Philosophers Flappers and Philosophers: Collected Short Stories
Katherine Pancol
Livre De Poche, ????
fiction | France
Osvaldo Guerrieri
Neri Pozza, 2009
fiction | Italy
Flappers and Philosophers
F. Scott Fitzgerald
ReadaClassic, 2010
fiction | USA
Flappers and Philosophers
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Penguin Modern Classics, 2010
fiction | USA
New Confessions Lulu Diary-of-a-Lost-Girl-Louise-Brooks-Edition Een heilige van de horlogerie
New Confessions
William Boyd
Penguin, 2010
fiction | UK
Samuel Bernstein
Walford Press, 2010
fiction | USA
The Diary of a Lost Girl
Margarete Böhme
PandorasBox Press, 2010
fiction | USA
Een heilige van de horlogerie
Willem Frederik Hermans
Uitgeverij de Bezige Bij, 2012
fiction | The Netherlands
The Chaperone Virtually Forever The Killing of Emma Gross Vanity
The Chaperone
Laura Moriarty
Riverhead Books, 2012
fiction | USA
Virtually Forever
Anthony Eames
Eames Media, 2013
science fiction | USA
The Killing of Emma Gross
Daniel Seaman
Five Leaves Publications, 2013
crime fiction | USA
The Vanity
Robert S. Murillo
CreateSpace, 2013
fantasy | USA
El Crimen de la Canario Tender Is The Night Archives du vent A Caixa de Pandora
El Crimen de la Canario *
S. S. Van Dine
Open Road Espanol, 2014
crime fiction | USA
Tender Is The Night
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Penguin, 2014
fiction | UK
Archives du vent
Pierre Cendors
Le Tripod, 2015
fiction | France
A Caixa de Pandora
Alexandre Lobão
Franco Editora, 2015
fantasy | Brazil
Louise Brooks: Detective Diamond Siegfried Follies The Blue Line
Louise Brooks: Detective
Rick Geary
NBM ComicsLit, 2015
graphic novel | USA
Cynthia Jordan
Emerald Eagle, 2015
fiction | USA
Siegfried Follies
Son Excellence Otto
Tabou, 2015
historical fiction | France
The Blue Line
Ingrid Betancourt
Penguin Books, 2016
fiction | USA
weimar triangle book El caso del asesinato de La Canario Crazy Rhythm: A Novel of Old Hollywood Lulu in New York and Other Tales
Weimar Triangle
by Eric Koch
Mosaic Press, 2017
fiction | Canada
El caso del asesinato de La Canario
S. S. Van Dine
Reino de Cordelia S.L., 2017
crime fiction | Spain
Crazy Rhythm
by Daniel Vian
Spectrum Tango, 2017
fiction | USA
Lulu in New York and Other Tales
Robert Power
Unicorn Publishing Group, 2017
fiction | USA
Babylon Berlin The Worst Thing zsuzsanna 2018
Babylon Berlin
Volker Kutscher
Picador, 2018
crime fiction | USA
The Worst Thing
Nora Gaskin
Lystra Books, 2018
suspense | USA
Giovanni Ingrosso
fiction | Italy
Countess (Shincho Bunko) zsuzsanna 2020 Tagebuch einer Verlorenen
Countess (Shincho Bunko)
Shigehiko Hasumi
Shinchosha, 2019
fiction | Japan
Giovanni Ingrosso
Il Cielo Stellato, 2020
fiction | Italy
Tagebuch einer Verlorenen *
Margarete Böhme
SAGA Egmont, 2020
fiction | Germany
Bernice Bobs Her Hair Diario de una perdida Un Dernier Charleston Louise Pandora's Box
Bernice Bobs Her Hair
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Independently published, 2021
fiction | USA
Diario de una perdida
Margarete Böhme
El Paseo Editorial, 2021
fiction | Spain
Un Dernier Charleston Louise
Daniel Bernard
Éditions Lemart, 2021
fiction | France
Pandora’s Box
Scott R. Howe
Independently published, 2022
fiction | USA
Un Dernier Charleston Louise The Canary Murder Case The Widow
Un Dernier Charleston Louise
Daniel Bernard
Ginkgo Eds, 2023
fiction | France
The Canary Murder Case
by S. S. Van Dine
Bigfontbooks, 2023
crime fiction | USA
The Widow
Keri Reardon
unknown, ????
fiction | USA