Welcome to Early Film Periodicals, a resource page on the Louise Brooks Society website. Below are links to early film periodicals published all around the world. At these links (which in turn originate on websites located all around the world), one can “travel back in time” and virtually page through old film magazines. Not only is this pretty cool, it is pretty exciting… as you never know what you’ll find. As more and more such material is added to these various archives, the chances for discovery grow.
I began bookmarking these sort of links more than a decade ago. Recently, while conducting research for my forthcoming two volume work, Around the World with Louise Brooks, I found myself spending hundreds of hours picking through various magazine archives. Some of these online archives were difficult to find, and some were difficult to navigate. (A browser which auto-translates is a necessity.) Some of these archive were come across only by chance, while others were stumbled upon… found while looking for something else. And still others were found by backtracking an image which turned up on image search. I bookmarked these sites in order to return to them, but even then, some were difficult to re-find. What was needed, I felt, was a central directory.
The lists shown below bookmark film magazine archives dating from the silent and early sound era (1900-1930s). At the time these lists were compiled, each link was freely accessible on the web, without need of subscription, institutional affiliation, or local access. I have subdivided these lists by region, and country. The dates in parenthesis represent the years available for searching or browsing. However, it is worth noting the dates available do not necessarily represent a complete run of any given periodical. All too often, archive holdings represent broken runs.
These lists, while comprehensive, are geared toward the Louise Brooks or silent film buff. Generally speaking, I have included film magazines published from the time before Brooks’ began her film career, but not those which began publishing only after her career ended. (I have also excluded a couple of the very earliest publications, which are rather technical and dry, as well as publications aimed at amateur movie makers, which were of little interest to me.) Not all publications shown here contain material related to Louise Brooks.
These lists overlap with the lists found on the Dormitor Journals Project, though both lists contain a number of links not found on the other. Also worth checking is the Global Cinema Collection at the Media History Digital Collection. My list refine these lists: I deleted broken links and added a number of listings from other countries. If you are looking for vintage newspapers from around the world, a good place to start is Wikipedia:List of online newspaper archives, which lists both freely accessible and paywall portals. The Internet Archive contains a number of publications (both film and non-film) which contain material of interest. Additionally, the media / rep website is an OpenAccess repository for contemporary publications in media-studies. It is worth checking out. Are these lists missing a worthwhile publication? Send suggestions via the CONTACT page.
Please note: titles marked thus indicate:
* A non-film magazines with occasional, worthwhile film content
** To access this Italian publication, search for the title in the main catalog of the Museo Nazionale del Cinema
*** This title is available via the HathiTrust, search for the title in the main catalog
Thomas Gladysz
Director, Louise Brooks Society
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Ugebladet, May 16, 1926 (Denmark) |
Cinearte, July 1926 (Brazil) |
Cinema, June 15, 1928 (Yugoslavia) |
The Movie Times, Oct. 1, 1927 (Japan) |
FILM MAGS – North America
Canadian Moving Picture Digest (1918-1922)
Le panorama (1919)
American Cinematographer (1920-1939)
American Cinematographer (1921-1942)
Billboard (1894-1921) *
Cinelandia y Films (1930-1936)
Cine-Mundial (1916-1946)
Close-Up (1920-1923)
Exhibitors Herald (1917-1927)
Exhibitor’s Times (1913)
Film Daily (1918-1949)
Film Fun (1915, 1922)
Film Players Herald and Movie Pictorial (1916)
Filmplay (1921-1922)
Film Truth (1920)
Implet (1912)
Mensajero Paramount (1927)
Mensajero Paramount (1928-1929)
Mensajero Paramount (scattered issues 1928, 1930, 1931, 1936)
Mensajero Paramount (1931-1932)
Movie Pictorial (1914-1915)
Moving Picture Stories (1917)
Motion Picture (1911-1926)
Motion Picture News (1913-1930)
Motion Picture Story Magazine (1911-1914)
Motography (1911-1918)
Movie Monthly (1925)
Movie Weekly (1922)
Movies (1930-1934)
Moving Picture Weekly, later titled Universal Weekly (1915-1937)
Moving Picture World (1907-1927)
Nickelodeon (1909-1911)
Picture Play (1922-1923)
Photo-Play Author (1914-1915)
Photo-Play Journal (1916-1919)
Photoplay (1912-1922)
Photoplay (1928-1930, 1936)
Photo-Play Review (1915)
Photoplayers Weekly (1915-1916)
Photo-Play World (1918-1919)
Photo Playwright (1912)
Picture Play (1931-1932)
Picture Play Magazine (1915-1938)
Screenland (1920-1959)
Silverscreen (1922)
Sound Waves (1928-1929)
Universal Weekly (1912)
Variety (1905–1954)
FILM MAGS – South America
Comedia (1921)
Mundo Argentino (1911-1937)
Careta (1909-1964) *
Cinearte (1926-1932)
Cine-Jornal (1922)
Cine-Luz (1932-1933)
Cine-Modearte (1928-1929)
O Cinema (1912)
Cinema (1925)
Cinema Pathé-Recife (1919)
O Cinematographo (1911)
O Cruzeiro (1928-1935) *
A Estação Theatral (1910-1912) *
O Fan: Orgão Official do Chaplin-Club (1928-1930)
Fon-Fon (1907-1958) *
Klaxon: Mensario de Arte Moderna (1922) *
Kodak (1916)
O Malho (1902-1953) *
Mascote (1924-1925) *
Mauricéa (1923) *
A Nota (1918-1922) *
Palcos e Telas (1918-1921)
Para Todos (1919-1958) *
A Pilheria (1930) *
Revista da Cidade (1926-1927) *
Revista da Semana (1900-1918) *
Rua Nova (1925-1926) *
A Scena Muda (1921-1955)
O Tacape (1928-1929) *
Cinema (1913)
El Cinematógrafo (1909)
Chile Cinematográfico (1915-1916)
Cine gaceta (1915-1918)
El Film (1918-1919)
Ecran (1930-1969)
La semana cinematográfica (1918-1920)
Cinematógrafo (1908-1909)
Bohemia (1910-1940) *
Carteles (1919-1935)
Variedades [Revista semanal ilustrada] (1908-1925, 1927-1929) *
Cine Radio Actualidad (1936-1938…)
Cinema y Teatros (1920-1921)
Cine Revista (1922-1923)
Maravillas (1934-1935)
Semanal Film (1920)
Vida teatral y cinematográfica (1926)
Die Bühne (1924-1943)
Der Filmbote (1922–1926)
Die Filmwelt (1919-1925)
Der gute Film (1934-1937)
Illustrierter Film-Kurier (1934–1936)
Kinematographische Rundschau (1907-1917)
Das Kino-Journal (1922-1939)
Der Kinobesitzer (1917-1919)
Die Kinowoche (1919-1921)
Mein Film (1926-1939)
Die Neue Kino-Rundschau (1907-1917)
Österreichische Filmzeitung (1927-1938)
Paimann’s Filmlisten (1916-1965)
Start (1936)
Die Theater und Kino Woche (1919)
Der Wiener Film (1936-1938)
Wiener Revue (1945-1947)
Filmen (1912-1919)
Bio (1910)
Bio (1916)
Biograafilehti (1915)
Biograftidning (1915)
Fama (1927-1939)
Filmrevyn (1921-1927)
Filmiaitta (1921-1932)
L’Action Cinematographique (1936, 1937, 1939)
L’Argus du cinéma (1917)
Bordeaux ciné (1928-1940)
Les Cahiers du film (1933, 1934, 1941-1944)
Cinaedia et Cinaedia illustré (1918-1920, 1927-1934)
Ciné-Journal (1908-1912)
Ciné-Journal (1913-1937)
Ciné-miroir (1922-1963)
Ciné pour tous (1919-1923)
Ciné-Schola (1922-1923)
Ciné-Théâtre (1926-1929)
Cinéa (1921-1923)
Cinéa (1923-1924, 1926-1927, 1929-1932)
Cinéa-Ciné pour tous réunis (1923-1930)
Cinégraphe (1922)
Cinégraphie (1927-1928)
Le Cinéma (1907)
Cinéma (1927-1933)
Cinéma: annuaire (1911-1914)
Le Cinéma chez soi (1926-1939)
Cinémagazine (1921-1935)
Cinémato (1925-1926)
La Cinématographie française (1918-1940)
La Cinématographie Française (1936-1953)
Cinémonde (1928-1940)
Cinémonde (1929-1948)
Le Cinéopse (1924-1928, 1930-1939)
Le Cinéopse (1919-1939)
Courrier cinématographique (1911-1914, 1917-1918)
Courrier cinématographique (1913, 1917, 1919-1922)
Le Courrier des cinémas (1926-1933)
La Critique cinématographique (1927-1938)
L’Écran (1916-1922, 1929-1940)
Le Film (1914, 1916-1922)
Le Film complet (1922-1932)
Filmatheque Pathé-Baby (1931)
La Gazette des sept arts (1923-1924)
La Griffe cinématographique (1926-1933)
Hebdo-Film (1916-1917, 1930-1934)
L’Image (1932-1938)
L’Informateur ciné-corporatif (1928)
Le journal du ciné-club (1920-1921)
Les Meilleurs cinémas (1919)
Mon ciné (1922-1925)
Mon ciné (1922-1929, 1930-1937)
Le nouvel art cinématographique (1926-1930)
Le Lion vous parle : bulletin bi-mensuel de la Métro Goldwin Mayer (1934-1939)
Paris-cinéma (1924)
Paris-Films (1931)
Paris-photographe (1891-1894) *
La petite illustration cinématographique (1925-1928, 1930-1931)
Phono-cinéma (1908)
Photo-ciné (1927-1929)
La Rampe (1915-1937)
Le Rayon (1909-1914)
La Revue du cinéma (1928-1929)
La Revue du cinéma (1931, 1947-1948)
La Revue de l’écran (1928-1948
Revue scientifique et technique (1913-1914)
La Scène (1921-1922)
Les Spectacles (1923-1931)
Terpsica (1926)
Toulouse spectacles (1919-1920)
Le Travail manuel (1922, 1927)
Film-Kurier (1919-1944)
Filmland: Deutsche Monatschrift (1924-1925)
Film und Volk (1928-1929)
Film-Magazin (1928)
Film-Magazin (1929)
Filmland: deutsche Monatschrift (1924-1925)
Filmtechnik (1929, 1933)
Film-Welt (1930-1935, 1942)
Filmwoche (1939)
Der Kinematograph (1907-1932)
Kinematographische Wochenschau (1912-1914)
Lichtbild-Bühne (1913-1917)
Lichtbild-Bühne (1917-1918)
Pathé Woche (1913-1914)
UFA Magazine (1926-1927)
A Hét (1925-1931) *
A Mozi (Filmművészeti hetilap) (1920-1921)
Filmkultúra (1928-1938)
Magyar Film (1939-1943)
Mozi-ujság (1919)
Mozihét (1915-1922)
Színházi Élet (1912-1938) *
Cinema en Theater (1921-1922)
Filmliga (1927-1932)
Het weekblad Cinema en Theater (1931)
Express Filmowy i Teatralny (1925-1928)
Film Artystyczny = Film Artistique (1937)
Kino (1930-1939)
Kino dla Wszystkich (1929-1934)
Kino dla Wszystkich i Teatr (1937-1938)
Kino i Rewja dla Wszystkich (1934)
Kino i Rewja dla Wszystkich (1935-1936)
Kino Teatr (1928-1929)
Kinematograf Polski (1919-1921)
Wiadomości Filmowe (1933-1939)
Warner Bros Donosi (1935-1939)
Animatógrafo (1933-1942)
Cine (1934)
Cine: revista mensal de arte cinematográfica (1928–1930)
Cinearte (1926-1930)
Cinema: semanário cinematográfico (1932)
Cinegrafia (1929-1930)
Cine-Jornal (1935-1936)
Invicta Cine (1931-1936)
Movimento (1933-1934)
O filme (1934)
Revista Cine-Luz (1932)
Biografen (1912-1915)
Filmnyheter (1923)
Nordisk Filmtidning (1909-1910)
Pathé Frères’ Veckorevy (1911)
Scenen (1914-1922, 1925-1928) ***
Stjernen (1908)
Close-Up (1927-1933)
Kinema (1913-1919)
Chwila. Dodatek ilustrowany (1930-1934) *
Kino (1925-1933) covers only
Bioscope (1912-1915)
Cine Technician (1935-1956)
Cinema Chat (1919-1920)
Cinema News and Property Gazette (1912-1946)
Cinema Quarterly (1933-1945)
Cinematography & Bioscope Magazine (1906)
Film Renter and Moving Picture News (1922-1927, 1940-1950) ***
Filmgoer’s Annual (1932)
Kinematograph Year Book (1927-1929, 1933, 1935-1940)
Illustrated Films Monthly (1913-1914)
Picture Show (1920-1921)
Picture Show Annual (1926-1961)
Picture Stories Magazine (1914–1915)
Pictures and the Picturegoer (1915-1916, 1924-1925)
Sight & Sound (1932-1995)
The Stage (1908-1919) *
Today’s Cinema and Property Gazette (1913-1915)
Weekly Kinema Guide (1930)
World Film News and Television Progress (1936-1938)
Al cinema (1922-1930) **
L’Albo della cinematografia (1915) **
Apollon (1916, 1920, 1921) **
L’Argante (1913-1916, 1930-1932) **
L’Arte cinegrafica (1918-1919) **
L’Arte cinema-drammatica (1913) **
L’Arte del cinema (1928-1929) **
L’Arte del silenzio (1920-1922)
L’Arte muta (1916-1917)
Bianco e Nero (1937-2002)
Bollettino Edizione Pittaluga (1929)
Bollettino della Fox Film (1929, 1935)
Bollettino delle grandi films (1916-1917)
Bollettino di informazioni cinematografiche (1924-1925) **
Bollettino quindicinale della Società italiana Pineschi (1909)
Bollettino staffetta dell’ufficio stampa dell’anonima Pittaluga (1929) **
Il Cafè chantant (1910 1911, 1913, 1916-1918, 1920) **
Il Capolavoro cinematografico (1926) **
La Casa di vetro (1924) **
Cin Battaglie cinematografiche (1918) **
Cin Cine-gazzetta (1918) **
Cine (1917) **
Cine-Convegno (1933-1934)
Cine gazzettino (1926-1931) **
Cine mondo (1927-1931) **
Cine sorriso illustrato (1928-1931) **
Cine sorriso illustrato (1930-1931)
Cine-cinema (1926)
La Cine-fono e la rivista fono-cinematografica (1911-1914, 1916, 1918, 1919-1920, 1922) **
La Cine-gazzetta (1916-1918) **
Cine-romanzo (1929-1932) **
Cineomnia (1935-1936)
Cinema Firenze (1923) **
Cinema Napoli (1913-1914) **
Cinema Ambrosio (1916, 1925) **
Il Cinema illustrato (1928) **
Il Cinema italiano (1926-1927, 1930) **
Cinema Illustrazione (1930-1939)
Cinema: La Premiere Revue de Grand Luxe du Cinema Francais (1933)
Cinema: Quindicinale di Divulgazione Cinematografica (1936-1956)
Cinema Star (1926-1927) **
Cinema-teatro (1928-1930) **
Cinemagraf (1916-1917) **
Cinemalia (1927-1928)**
La Cinematografia (1927-1928) **
La Cinematografia artistica (1912) **
Cinematografia e proiezioni (n.d.) **
La Cinematografia italiana (1909) **
La Cinematografia italiana ed estera (1910, 1914-1916, 1922-1923) **
La Cinematografia: Rassegna Settimanale Illustrata (1927, 1932)
Il Cinematografo (1919) **
Cinematografo Roma (1927-1931)
Cinematografo Trieste (1924) **
Cinemundus (1919) **
Coltura cinematografica (1920-1921) **
La Conquista cinematografica (1921) **
Contropelo (1917-1920, 1923) **
Il Corriere cinematografico (1925-1930) **
Corriere del cinematografo (1921) **
Cronache d’attualità (1916, 1919-1922) **
Cyrano (1913) **
La Decima musa (1920) **
La Domenica del cinema (1929) **
Echi del cinema (1926) **
L’Eco del cinema (1924-1930) **
Eco film (1913) **
Excelsior (1916) **
Fantasma Napoli/Roma (1916, 1920, 1923) **
Fantasma Roma (1920) **
Il Fascio di luce (1928-1929)
Fiandreide (1908) **
Figure mute (1919)
Film: corriere dei cinematografi (1921-1922)
Film (1914-1920, 1926-1927) **
Film Pittaluga (1925) **
Film: Settimanale di Cinematografo Teatro e Radio (1938-1943)
Films: Bisettimanale Illustrato (1930-1931)
Films Pittaluga (1923-1926) **
Firenze cinema (1928) **
Fortunio (1920) **
I Grandi artisti del cinema (1926-1927)
L’Illustrazione cinematografica (1912, 1914-1915) **
Iride (1914) **
In penombra (1918-1919) **
L’Italia e Kines (1926) **
Kinema (1929-1930) **
Kines (1928-1931) **
Kines (1929-1932)
Lux Napoli (1910)
Lux Roma (1918, 1920-1921) **
Lux e cine (1910-1911) **
Il Maggese cinematografico (1913-1914) **
Il Messaggero (1925)
Mirabilia film (1927) **
Il Mondo a lo schermo (1926) **
Motofilm (1916-1917) **
La Nostra Rassegna (1936, 1938)
Pathé Baby (1928-1930) **
In Penombra (1918-1919)
Piccola (1935-1936)
Proiezioni luminose (1924-1926) **
Rassegna delle programmazioni (1925-1926) **
Rassegna fotografica (1927)**
Rassegna generale della cinematografia (1920-1921) **
La Rivista cinematografica (1920-1930) **
Rivista internazionale del cinema educatore (1929-1930) **
Il Romanzo film (1920-1921) **
Lo Schermo (1935-1943)
Il Selvaggio (1935)
La Settima arte (1924-1931) **
Lo Spettacolo (1919-1920) **
Sullo schermo (1927-1928) **
Società anonima Ambrosio (1907) **
Sor Cappana (1919) **
Supercinema (1926)
La Tecnica cinematografica (1914) **
Theatralia (1925) **
Il Tirso / Il Tirso al cinematografo (1914-1916) **
Triumphfilm (1912, 1914) **
La Vita cinematografica (1911-1915, 1917- 1924, 1929-1930) **
A.R.S. (1927-1931)
Actualidades Paramount (1935-1936)
Año Metro (1932)
Antorcha (1935–1936)
Art de la Llum (1933-1935)
Arte y cinematografía (1910-1936)
Boletín de información cinematográfica (1922-1926)
Boletin técnico-administrativo de la Asociación Mutual de Operadores de cine de Cataluña (1935-1936)
Celuloide Madrileño (1936)
Cine: revista popular ilustrada (1912-1923)
Cine Art (1933-1935)
Cine Arte (1934-1935)
Cinelandia y Films (1930-1936)
Cinema: edición popular (1916)
Cinema: revista semanal ilustrada (1921)
Cine Mundial (1922-1948)
Cine Popular (1921-1924)
Cine-Revista (1921-1924)
Cine-Star (1935-1936)
Cinòpolis (1929)
Cri-cri cinematográfico (1923)
España teatral cinematografica (1921-1922)
Fantasio revista de espectáculos (1927)
Films Selectos (1930-1936)
Filmopolis (1933-1936)
Films (1926-1928)
Films selectos (1930-1937)
Información cinematográfica (1929-1936)
Jueves cinematográficos (1927-1936)
Mundo cinematográfico (1913-1921)
Mundo cinematográfico (1917-1921)
Nº1 : revista mensual cinematográfica (1936)
Noticiario CIFESA (1935-1943)
Nuestro cinema (1932-1935)
Orientaciones (1935-1936)
Pathé-Revista (1917-1919)
Película (1915-1916)
Películas (1924)
Popular Film (1926-1937)
Progreso fotografico (1920-1936) *
Proyector (1935-1936)
Publi-Cinema (1934-1936)
Reclam Film (1926)
Revista Gaumont (1913)
Rugido del león (1935-1956)
Siluetas (1930)
Sombras (1939-1941)
Studio-Films (1916)
Súper-Cine (1932-1933)
Titán Radio (1935-1936)
Tras la pantalla (1920-1922)
Vida gráfica (1915-1920)
Everyones (1920-1937)
Chin Chin Screen (1935-1940)
Chinese Cinema Year Book (1927)
Liangyou (1926-1941) *
Ling Long (1931-1937) *
Movie Life (1935, 1940)
Movie Monthly (1928-1932)
Movie News (1935)
Movie News Weekly (1939)
Movie Sketch (1935)
Movietone (1934-1940)
Movie World (1934-1935)
On Photoplay (1924)
Screen Stage Monthly (1936)
Screen Weekly (1924-1925)
Silver Light (1926)
Screen & Stage Monthly (1936)
Filmindia (1937-1949)
Cinema Yearbook of Japan (1936-1938)
Katsudō kurabu (1919-1921)
Katsudō shashinkai (1911)
Kinema junpō (1919-1922)
Kinema junpō (1927-1928)
Kinema rekōdo (1913-1917)
Kokusai eiga shinbun (1927-1928)
Nihon eiga nenkan (1925-1928)
New Zealand Theatre & Motion Picture (1922)
South African Pictorial (1921-1928) *
Artistik Sine/Artistic Cine (1926-1927)
Le Film – Film Mecmuası (1925, 1927-1928)
Mudhike: roman, tiyatro ve sinema mecmuasi (1924)
Sinema Mihveri (1926)
Sinema Postası/Le Courrier du Cinema (1923)
Sinema Yıldızı (1924)
Tiyatro ve Musiki (1928)
Temaşa (1918-1920)
Tiyatro ve Temaşa Mecmuası (1913)
Artistik Sine / Artistic Cine (1926-1927)
Film Mecmuası / Le Film (1926-1927)
Musavver Türk Sineması / Le Cine Turc (1927)
Sinema (1915)
Sinema Postası / Le Courrier du Cinema (1924)
Sinema Rehberi (1924)
Sinema Yıldızı (1924)
Yarim Ay (1935-1937) *
KiNO (1926-1931)
Kino-fot (1922-1923)
Sovetskij Ekran / Soviet Screen (1925-1929)
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Popular Film, November 1926 (Spain) |
Cinefilo, October 4, 1930 (Portugal) |
De Film, April 20, 1930 (Belgium / Holland) |
7 DNI, May 16, 1930 (Poland) |