splash  The staff of the Louise Brooks Society is composed of Director Thomas Gladysz and Associate Director Christy Pascoe. Gladysz founded the LBS in the summer of 1995. He writes, designs and maintains its website and blog, and overseas its research efforts, social media, and publications. Pascoe has been with the Louise Brooks Society since its beginning. She assists with site design, research, administration, and outreach. The Louise Brooks Society has, as well, been aided by many other individuals over the years, from fans to film historians. Some have contributed research, written blogs, donated images and objects, and helped with LBS projects, exhibits, and events. This community of friends and fans forms the Louise Brooks Society. The LBS is pleased to ACKNOWLEDGE their efforts and their many contributions. Additionally, some of the LBS supporters are pictured on its SCRAPBOOK page. To learn more about the Louise Brooks Society, please visit its ABOUT page.

Thomas Gladysz, Founder and Director of the Louise Brooks Society Thomas Gladysz and Christy Pascoe Frederica Sagor Maas
Gladysz at “Louise Brooks Society Headquarters”
with some
of his many treasures.
Gladysz and Pascoe at the George Eastman
Museum in November, 2006.
Gladysz and Pascoe with Rolled Stockings
screenwriter Frederica Sagor Maas.

Thomas Gladysz is a recognized authority on the life and films of Louise Brooks. Besides founding the Louise Brooks Society, he has authored dozens of articles and program essays, edited one book, and written four others on Brooks and her films. More are in the works. Gladysz has assisted with the preservation of the actress’ films, provided audio commentary for DVDs, written the liner notes for a forthcoming disc, mounted a couple of exhibits, spoken about the actress before audiences large and small, and introduced Brooks’ films around the world.

The Louise Brooks Society is a means to share information. The research Gladysz has carried out over time has uncovered little known articles, images, and information about the actress. Notably, he has met or worked with other film scholars, historians and writers including Barry Paris, Peter Cowie, Jack Garner, Pamela Hutchinson, Kevin Brownlow and others, and collaborated with the estate of Louise Brooks on a couple of projects. More about Thomas Gladysz can be found on his personal website at www.thomasgladysz.com

Otherwise, here are links to pages gathering Gladysz’s writings about Louise Brooks, early film, and other related subjects.

Writings on Louise Brooks  ||  Writings on Early Film  ||  Film International ||  Amazon.com Author Page

with Barry Paris with William Wellman Jr. with Hugh Munro Neeley
Gladysz with acclaimed biographer Barry Paris
at an LBS event in 2000.
Gladysz with actor & author William Wellman Jr.,
Oscar winning father directed Beggars of Life.
Gladysz with Hugh Neely, director of
Louise Brooks: Looking for Lulu