splash  Over the years, many individuals have aided the Louise Brooks Society. Some have given material support, some have given financial support, while some have given moral support, or advice. In whichever way they assisted the LBS, their support is greatly appreciated. This page acknowledges their help. Individuals who tracked down vintage articles, translated texts, made a financial contribution, or gifted the LBS with a scan or vintage piece of ephemera are listed below — as are those who took the time to answer questions, tell a story, write a blog, or help with LBS exhibits, events, and publications. My sincere thanks for supporting this project. Thank Louise Brooks Society logoyou for being part of the Louise Brooks Society.

Special thanks to Barry Paris, whose ground-breaking biography, shared dinners and phone calls have inspired this website since its inception. Also, heartfelt thanks to my wife, Christy Pascoe, Associate Director of the LBS, for her wide-ranging knowledge of film, fashion and social history, design advice, and ongoing moral support. Along with those mentioned here, additional acknowledgements can be found on other pages scattered across this website. The LBS also wishes to express its gratitude to the San Francisco Silent Film Festival, to Gary Frank and the old Booksmith bookstore in San Francisco, as well to the many librarians who have aided my research, especially Ron Romano and the staff of the San Francisco Public Library. My thanks as well to the staff of the old Village Voice bookshop in Paris, France.

I would like to thank William Wellman, Jr. (the son of the acclaimed director) for agreeing to write a forward to my 2017 book, Beggars of Life: A Companion to the 1928 Film. (He also gave the LBS a shout-out in his own book about his father.) I would also like to thank film preservationist Robert Byrne for writing a forward to my other 2017 book, Now We’re in the Air: A Companion to the Once Lost Film. And as well, I would like to acknowledge and thank the donors to my GoFundMe campaign toward the publication of my 2023 book, The Street of Forgotten Men: From Story to Screen and Beyond, whose forwards were written by Robert Byrne (again, thank you) and Academy Award honoree Kevin Brownlow. The donor to that project are listed on the aforementioned page. And lastly, thank you to the individuals who have contributed to the LBS through its Buy Me a Coffee account.

The Louise Brooks Society has been aided by many individuals, from fans to film historians. This community of like-minded individuals forms the Louise Brooks Society. The LBS is pleased to acknowledge their contributions and their efforts. Individuals listed below are assumed to be from the United States, unless otherwise noted. My thanks to each for their generosity and kindness. A special acknowledgement to the Estate of Louise Brooks, who have aided the LBS in ways not apparent.

Listed below are some of the many individuals who have aided the Louise Brooks Society. And pictured at the bottom of the page are a few of the friends the LBS has made around the world. Some of the supporters of the LBS are also pictured on its SCRAPBOOK page. The Louise Brooks Society would love to hear from you. Please visit our CONTACT page to send a message.

Thomas Gladysz
Director, Louise Brooks Society

A — G H — O P — Z
Tyler Alpern

Mark Armstrong-Roper (Australia)

Neil Baldwin

Stephen Barclay

John Baxter (France)

John Bengtson

Ross Berkal

Bill Berkson (1939-2016)

Samuel Bernstein

Clementi Bilinsky (France)

Jeannick Brisson (France)

Andi Brooks (Japan)

Daniel Brooks & the Estate of Louise Brooks

Kevin Brownlow

Frank Buxton (1930-2018)

Robert Byrne

Charles Cagle

Mark Carlson

Craig Caulfield (Australia)

Gianluca Chiovelli (Italy)

Jean-Louis Cocriamont (Belgium)

Jeff Codori

Peter Cowie (Switzerland)

Robert Dance

Gene DeGruson (1932-1997)

James D. Dilworth

Max Ferguson

Russell D. Fernandez

Jim Ferrie (England)

Paul Fonoroff

Gary Frank

Emily Freitag

Beth Ann Gallagher

Jack Garner (1945-2020)

Sal Gaudio

Josef E. Gilford

Gretchen Goode

Tector Gripengren (Sweden)

Jeanine Guilyard

Laura Horak

Stephen Horne (England)

Michael Harvey (China)

Amanda Howard

Pamela Hutchinson (England)

Rolland Jaccard (1941-2021)

Henry Jenne (Germany)

Leif Jensen

Margaret Juncker

Nancy Kaufman

Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP

Troy Kirk

Gerhard Klag (Germany)

Richard Koszarski

Günter Krenn (Austria)

John Lahr

Meredith Lawrence (England)

Vincent Lesh

Emily Lieder

Tor Lier (Norway)

Marlon Ligeon (Surinam)

Alexandre Santos Lobão (Brasil)

Frederica Sagor Maas (1900-2012)

Patrick Mathay

Kally Mavromatis

Paul McGann (England)

Diane MacIntyre

Benjamin Meißner (Germany)

Gary Meyer

Ben Model

Peter Moore

Tim Moore

Laura Moriarty

Carol Morris

Robert S. Murillo

Jonathan Morse

Janet Munsil (Canada)

Hugh Munro Neely

Michael O’Toole-Miyashiro

Barry Paris

Becca Pascoe

Christy Pascoe

Andrew Pepoy

Sebastian Pesle (France)

Emil Petaja (1915-2000)

Kelly Ramage

Ira Resnick

Fontaine Roberson

Uli Roessiger (Germany)

Jeffrey Rolick

Irma Romero (England)

McKenna Rowe

Morgan Rusler

Tony Salin (1952-2001)

Stephen Salmons (1958-2023)

Sue Samuelsson

San Francisco Silent Film Festival

San Francisco Film Preserve

Camille Scaysbrook (Australia)

Shoshana Schwebel (Canada)

Kay Shackleton

Judi Wyler Sheldon

David Shepard (1940-2017)

Steve Silberman

Charlotte Siller

Stéphane Sonneville (France)

Shawn Standfast (Canada)

Leah Stans

Brian Taves (1959-2019)

Frank Thompson

Denise Tidwell

Lee Tsiantis

Fabrice Vaillant (France)

Jeffrey Vance

Philip Vorwald

Jan Wahl (1931-2019)

Lynne Watson

William Wellman, Jr.

Stacey Wisnia

Audra Wolfmann

Jordan R. Young


The Louise Brooks Society greatly appreciates the assistance given this website and its various projects, and in turn, the LBS has always tried to pay it forward. It has contributed images and information and images to other projects, including screenings, exhibits, documentaries, video, DVDs, articles, and books. And, through this website, its long-running BLOG, and various SOCIAL MEDIA accounts, the LBS has also promoted of others. To that end, it has promoted other websites, blogs, screenings, events, books, articles, films, DVDs and related “fan-art” (including fiction, poetry, comics, drawings, paintings and video). As the film stars of the past recede from public view, it is important to remember two things: Louise Brooks is owned by no one, and second, a rising tide lifts all boats. Life is short. But what your create, what you accomplish, what you build up — not what you knock down, can last a long time and have a positive impact.

Pictured below are a few of the friends Thomas Gladysz and the Louise Brooks Society has made around the world.

Camille Scaysbrook and Thomas Gladysz with Meredith Lawrence Thomas Gladysz and Irma Romero Thomas Gladysz and Sebastian Pesle
with Camille Scaysbrook (Australia) with Meredith Lawrence (England) with Irma Romero (England) with Sebastian Pesle (France)