splash  Someone once said “silent films were never silent.” It’s true. There was music played on the set when films were being made. Sometimes, there was music depicted in films themselves (even though it couldn’t be heard). Some silent films had a theme song. And almost always, music was played when the silent films were shown. The silent era, and its stars, were anything but silent.

This HUB page on the Louise Brooks Society website is a directory to the various pages which relate to music and sound – whether vintage or contemporary. Each contain further information and a number of images. More pages will be added as more related topics and pages are developed. Have a comment of question. The LBS would love to hear from you via its CONTACT page.

Thomas Gladysz
Director, Louise Brooks Society


Just Another Blonde cue sheet beggars of life piano roll prix-coiffier salabert-succes
Just Another Blonde
cue sheet
“Beggars of Life” piano roll
Q. R. S. Music Co.
Prix de beauté 78 rpm
Marthe Coiffier / Columbia
Prix de beauté
sheet music