Biographical bits and pieces collects various pages on the LBS website which detail various incidents and happenings in the life and career of Louise Brooks. Admittedly, this directory is something of a mushrooming hodge-podge of pages. The topics they detail are covered to a greater or lesser degree in the 1989 biography of Louise Brooks by Barry Paris, the single best source of information on the actress. However, based on my research as well as newly found information, these pages go beyond what is otherwise known about the actress. All together, they form series of sketches toward a life of Louise Brooks.
Thomas Gladysz
Director, Louise Brooks Society
Ein Wenig Louise Brooks
— a short account of Brooks’ life, (perhaps) written by the actress
Louise Brooks, High School Sophomore
— Brooks’ sophomore year, as revealed through her high school yearbook
Louise Brooks and Denishawn
— the story of Brooks’ two years touring with the Denishawn Dance Company
Louise Brooks at the Café de Paris in London
— what we know about Brooks’ time in London, including little known images
Louise Brooks and The Smart Set
— a look behind the portrait of Brooks holding a copy of the magazine
Early Articles Attributed to Louise Brooks
— did she or didn’t she?
No, No Nanette Full of Vigorous Fun
— the story behind Brooks’ 1925 New York Times review
Louise Brooks Visits Palm Reader Marianne Raschig
— the story behind Brooks’ visit to a famous German palm reader
Ballroom Dancer, a scrapbook
— very rare advertisements for Brooks’ dance performances in the 1930s
The Fundamentals of Good Ballroom Dancing
— the story of Brooks’ 1940 booklet on dance
Louise Brooks’ Notebooks
— a look at the unpublished notebooks Brooks’ kept during much of her adult life
Lulu in Hollywood
— the story behind Brooks’ 1982 book of autobiographical essays
Louise Brooks Biographical Connections
— a selection of brief excerpts from biographies, autobiographies and memoirs
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About Myra Brooks (Louise Brooks’ mother)