splash  What did critics think of Louise Brooks and Now We’re in the Air (1927)? Opinion of the film was positive, and the film proved popular. Here is a survey, in the form of a number of quotes, from some of the newspapers and magazines of the time. All sources are American.


“The team of comedians was fortunate this time in having Louise Brooks appear with them. Not satisfied, too, with having Miss Brooks appear as one heroine, they have her appear as twins, which does much to make the picture easy to enjoy.” — J. M. L., Richmond Times-Dispatch

“In a helping way, Louise Brooks proves to be the real thing and it is to her that a lot of credit must go for her sincere work in a dual role.” — Philadelphia Public Ledger

“Miss Brooks has a dual role. She is pretty, as usual, but thinner, I would say. She hasn’t a lot to do and does that very well.” — Nick M. Carey, Los Angeles Record

“Louise Brooks is the young lady who is the charming m’m’selle, and she does add something to the picture although unable to lift it entirely from the gutter type of comedy to which it sometimes descends.” — Portland Evening Express

“ . . . you have a picture fairly creaking and groaning with the struggle to be funny and sadly lacking in the true comedy spirit.” — Elisabeth Goldbeck, Motion Picture

 “Louise Brooks as the leading lady, too, was a happy selection, it is said. Young, beautiful and charming, in this picture she is doubly so, because she’s twins, or in other words she has a dual role. She is French and German as well as clever and cunning.” — Washington Star

“A good slapstick comedy. . . . Miss Louise Brooks takes the part of the heroine — in a double role.” —
P. S. Harrison, Harrison’s Reports