The Louise Brooks Society archive contains dozens of examples of vintage newspaper and magazine advertisements, many of which — before the film would be censoredpromote Brooks’ films. These ads — gathered after spending thousands of hours combing through vintage publications — were found either on microfilm at a library, online in a digital archive, or in some surviving form of print.
Displayed here are just a few examples of advertisements for the 1929 motion picture, Tagebuch einer Verlorenen, or Diary of a Lost Girl. As with the film’s bibliography, much can be gleamed from the detail found in these pieces. They reveal not only where the picture was shown, but also the gist of a film’s ad campaign and which stars the studio or theater management thought important to feature. Other interesting details are also sometimes revealed, like the cost of admission, and whether or not any special promotion, musician or opening act or film accompanied the film. If there was a contest, the ads likely made mention of it. If the film played as part of double bill, we learn what films were paired.
Under its German title, documented screenings of the film also took place in Austria, Czechoslovakia, and the city state of Danzig. Outside Germany, Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen was exhibited under the title Tres páginas de un diario (Argentina); O diário de uma perdida and Diário de uma mulher perdida and Jornal de uma perdida and Jornal de uma garota perdida (Brazil) and Diário de uma Pecadora (Brazil, 1954); Dnevnik jedne izgubljene (Croatia); Deník ztracené (Czechoslovakia) and Denník ztratenej and Dennik padleho dievcafa (Slovakia); Diario de una perdida (Ecuador); Kadotetun päiväkirja (Finland); Journal d’une fille perdue and Trois pages d’un journal (France) and Three Pages of a Daybook (France, English-language press); ΤΟ ΗΜΕΡΟΛΟΓΙΟ ΜΙΑΣ ΠΑΡΑΣΤΡΑΤΗΜΕΝΗΣ (Greece); Egy perdita naplója (Hungary); Diario di una donna perduta and Diario di una perduta and Diario di una prostituta (Italy); Diary of a Lost Soul (Japan); Das Tagebuch einer Verfuhrten and Kritušas dienasgramata and Pavestas dienas gramata (Latvia); Diario de una mujer perdida and Diario de una muchacha perdida (Mexico); Dusze bez steru and Dziennik upadley dziewczyny and Pamiętnik upadłej (Poland); Jornal de Uma Perdida (Portugal); Jurnalul unei femei pierdute (Romania); Dnevnik izgubljenke (Spain); Tres páginas de’un diario and Diari d’una perduda (Spain – Catalonia); En fallen flickas dagbok and En förlorads dagbok (Sweden); Le journal d’une fille perdue and Trois pages d’un journal (Switzerland); Bir Kadinin Guniugu and Eczacinin kizi (Turkey); Tres páginas de un diario and Diario de una perdida (Uruguay); Дневник падшей (U.S.S.R.); Diario de una joven perdida (Venezuela).
Help Wanted: The LBS would like to acquire vintage advertisements for this film from anywhere — especially in Latin America, central Europe, the Middle East, Africa, or Asia. If you can help, please contact the LBS.
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ABOVE: This magazine ad — from a German trade publication, proclaims the film’s literary origins and the books’ record setting sales of 1,200,000 copies. The ad dates from September, 1929 – before the film opened in Berlin. It also notes the Pabst directed film would be distributed throughout the nation — including Berlin, Dresden, Hamburg, Münich and Cologne. | ABOVE: This German trade ad states the film will be opening within the week, and notes it is set to play throughout the country. The ad dates from October, 1929 — before the film would be censored and withdrawn from circulation. |
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ABOVE: With the phrase “tire du roman” (“from the novel”), this French newspaper advertisement likewise associates the film with the book, Le Journal d’une Fille Perdue. The ad dates from the Spring of 1930 and promotes the film’s appearance at the Colisee Theatre in Paris. | ABOVE: This French newspaper advertisement associates the film of Diary of a Lost Girl with the book by Margarete Böhme. The ad dates from April 1930 and promotes the film’s appearance at the Rialto Theatre in Paris. |
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ABOVE: This February 1931 ad promotes the “big” premiere of Pamiętnik upadłej (Diary of a Fallen), as it was titled in Poland. Also showing at Warsaw’s Kino-Teatr Palace is the 1928 American film, Hot News, starring “charming, adorable and funny” Bebe Daniels. | ABOVE: This newspaper advertisement from Warsaw, Poland dates from April 1931. It promotes the premiere of Diary of a Lost Girl, which is here alternately titled Dusze Bez Steru (Lost Souls). Also on the program was an early Mickey Mouse (Micky Mysz) film. |